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  1. Aref Meddeb, “Internet of Things Architectures: A Security Perspective”, 2016.

        Paperback: 136 pages

        Publisher: Éditions universitaires européennes (October 21, 2016)

        Language: English

        ISBN-10: 3841617107

        ISBN-13: 978-384161710


Journals & Magazines

  1. Arij Ben Amor, Sarra Jebri, Mohamed Abid, Aref Meddeb:
    A secure lightweight mutual authentication scheme in Social Industrial IoT environment. J. Supercomput. 79(12): 13578-13600 (2023)

  2. Mayssa Ghribi and Aref Meddeb: A dual-mode MAC protocol with service differentiation for industrial IoT networks using wake-up radio, Ad Hoc Networks, Volume 142, Elsevier, 2023.

  3. Amra Sghaier and Aref Meddeb: Real Time QoS in WSN-based Network Coding and Reinforcement Learning, Informatica, vol. 47, pp. 477–486, 2023.

  4. Achraf Elamri and Aref Meddeb : Optimal server selection for competitive service providers in network virtualization context, Telecommunication Systems 77, 451–467, 2021.

  5. Atef Jaballah, Aref Meddeb: A new algorithm based CSP framework for RFID network planning, 12(2), 2021.

  6. Achraf Elamri and Aref Meddeb, Optimal Traffic Routing in the Network Virtualization Context, IJCS, 1(17), Wiley, 2021.

  7. Arij Ben Amor, Mohamed Abid, and Aref Meddeb: Secure Fog-based e-learning Scheme, IEEE Access, PP(99):1-1, 2020.

  8. Mayssa Ghribi, Aref Meddeb, "Survey and taxonomy of MAC, routing and cross layer protocols using wake-up radio," J. Network and Computer Applications, 149, 2020.

  9. Rahma Ben Fraj, Vincent Beroulle, Nicolas Fourty, and Aref Meddeb, "An Optimized NS2 Module for UHF Passive RFID Systems," J. Electronic Testing 35(1): 45-58, 2019.

  10. Ghada Glissa and Aref Meddeb, "6LowPSec: An End-to-End Security Protocol for 6LoWPAN," Ad hoc Networks, Elsevier, 82, 100-112, 2019.

  11. Atef Jaballah and Aref Meddeb, “A new variant of cuckoo search algorithm with self-adaptive parameters to solve complex RFID network planning problem," Wireless Networks, Springer, 25(4), 2019.

  12. Yosra Zguira, Hervé Rivano, and Aref Medde, "Internet of bikes: a DTN protocol with data aggregation for urban data collection," Sensors 18(9), 2018.

  13. Lotfi Abdi, Aref Meddeb: In-vehicle augmented reality system to provide driving safety information. Journal of Visualization 21(1), 2018.

  14. Lotfi Abdi, Aref Meddeb: In-vehicle augmented reality TSR to improve driving safety and enhance the driver's experience. Signal, Image and Video Processing 12(1), 2018

  15. Lotfi Abdi and Aref Meddeb: Driver information system: a combination of augmented reality, deep learning and vehicular Ad-hoc networks. Multimedia Tools Appl. 77(12), 2018.

  16. Lotfi Abdi and Aref Meddeb: Spatially Enhanced Bags of Visual Words Representation to Improve Traffic Signs Recognition, Signal Processing Systems, 90(12): 1729-1741, 2018.

  17. Bacem Mbarek an Aref Meddeb, “A Secure Electric Energy Management in Smart Home,” International Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley & Sons, Accepted, 2017.

  18. Lotfi Abdi, Faten Ben Abdallah, and Aref Meddeb, “Real-time Watermarking Algorithm of H.264/AVC Video Stream,” International Arab Journal of Information Technology, 14(2), 2017.

  19. Manel Souissi and Aref Meddeb, “Optimal load balanced clustering in homogeneous wireless sensor networks,” International Journal of Communication Systems doi: 10.1002/dac.3229, 2016.

  20. A. Meddeb: Internet of things standards: who stands out from the crowd?, IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 54, no. 7, pp. 40-47, July 2016.    

  21. Aref Meddeb: On building Edge-Disjoint Spanning Trees and VLAN assignment in Ethernet Networks, Networks, Wiley & Sons, Volume 61, Issue 3, pages 263–280, May 2013.

  22. Aref Meddeb: Building Cost Effective Lower Layer VPNs: The ILEC/CLEC Dilemma, Wiley & Sons, Volume 23, Issue 11, pages 1405–1430, November 2010.

  23. Aref Meddeb: Internet QoS: Pieces of the Puzzle, IEEE communications Magazine, Vol. 48, No. 1, Jan. 2010.

  24. Aref Meddeb: Why Ethernet WAN Transport, IEEE communications Magazine, Vol. 3, No. 5, Nov. 2005.

  25. Aref Meddeb, André Girard, BrunildeSansò and François Cartier: Effect of Switch Cost on the Design of Hybrid Optoelectronic Networks. OSA Journal of Optical Networking, Vol. 3, No. 5 - May 2004.

  26. Aref Meddeb, André Girard and Catherine Rosenberg: The Impact of Point-to-Multipoint Traffic Concentration on Multirate Networks Design. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking Vol. 10, No. 1, Feb. 2002.




  1. Meriem Soula, Bacem Mbarek, Aref Meddeb and Tomas Pitner, “A Survey of Intrusion Detection-based Trust management approaches in IoT networks”, AINA 2023.

  2. Marwen Amiri, Abdelaziz Hamdi, Aref Meddeb:
    Performance Evaluation of Path Loss Models for Internet of Wearable Things. INISTA 2023: 1-6.

  3. Marwen Amiri, Abdelaziz Hamdi, Aref Meddeb:
    Design of a Wearable Patch Antenna and Channel Modeling for Internet of Bodies Application. IWCMC 2023: 450-457.

  4. Bacem Mbarek, Meriem Soula, Tomás Pitner, Aref Meddeb:
    An Effective Replica Node Detection Scheme in Internet of Things Networks. IWCMC 2023: 608-613.

  5. A. Sghaier and A. Meddeb, "Comparative Study of QoS-aware Network Coding Protocols in WSNs," 2022 IEEE/ACS 19th International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA), 2022.

  6. Mayssa Ghribi and Aref Meddeb: CaWuQoS-MAC: Collision Avoidance and QoS Based MAC Protocol for Wake-Up Radio Enabled IoT Networks, AINA 2022.

  7. Mayssa Ghribi and Aref Meddeb: Performance Analysis of Wake-Up Radio Based Protocols Considering Non-ideal Transmission Channel , AINA 2022.

  8. Mayssa Ghribi and Aref Meddeb: Performance Evaluation of Collision Avoidance Techniques using Wake-Up Radio in WSNs, SoftCOM 2020.

  9. Arij Ben Amor, Mohamed Abid, Aref Meddeb: CASK: Conditional Authentication and Session Key Establishment In Fog-assisted Social IoT Network, IWCMC 2019.

  10. Arij Ben Amor, Mohamed Abid, Aref Meddeb: SAMAFog: Service-Aware Mutual Authentication Fog-based Protocol, IWCMC 2019.

  11. Amra Sghaier and Aref Meddeb: Enhancing Guaranteed end-to-end delay in IEEE 802.15. 4, SmartNets 2018.

  12. Amra Sghaier and Aref Meddeb: Model Based Validation of Real Time QoS for NCDCLA Protocol in Wireless Sensor Networks, Vol.2. SETIT 2018.

  13. Achref El Amri and Aref Meddeb: Load Sharing Techniques for Server Selection in Network Virtualization. AICCSA 2018.

  14. Yosra Zguira, Hervé Rivano, and Aref Meddeb, A Comparative Evaluation of the Performance of the multi-hop IoB-DTN routing protocol, International Conference on Ad-Hoc, Mobile, and Wireless Networks, 175-187, 2018.

  15. Yosra Zguira, Hervé Rivano, and Aref Meddeb: IoB-DTN: a lightweight DTN protocol for mobile IoT Application to smart bike sharing systems, , 2018.

  16. Yosra Zguira, Hervé Rivano and Aref Meddeb: For An Efficient Internet of Bikes: A DTN Routing Protocol Based On Data Aggregation Approach, PE-WASUN 2018.

  17. Saoussen Chaabnia and Aref Meddeb: Slicing aware QoS/QoE in software defined smart home network. NOMS, 2018.

  18. Rahma Ben Fraj, Vincent Beroulle, Nicolas Fourty, and Aref Meddeb: Time Modeling with NS2 in UHF RFID Anti-Collision Protocols, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA), 2018.

  19. Rahma Ben Fraj, Vincent Beroulle, Nicolas Fourty, Aref Meddeb: An Evaluation of UHF RFID Anti-Collision Protocols with NS2. NTMS, 2018.

  20.   Arij Ben Amor, Mohamed Abid and Aref Meddeb: A Privacy-Preserving Authentication Scheme in an Edge-Fog Environment,  ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA), 2017.

  21. Atef Jaballah and Aref Meddeb, Self-adaptive cuckoo search algorithm for RFID network planning, Internet Technologies and Applications (ITA), 2017.

  22. Rahma Ben Fraj, Vincent Beroulle, Nicolas Fourty, and Aref Meddeb: A global approach for the improvement of UHF RFID safety and security, 12th International Conference on Design & Technology of Integrated Systems In Nanoscale Era (DTIS), 2017.

  23. Ghada Glissa and Aref Meddeb: Multi-layered security protocol based on IEEE 802.15.4 security features, IWCMC, Valencia, 2017.

  24. Ghada Glissa and Aref Meddeb: IEEE 802.15.4 Security sublayer for OMNET++, IWCMC, Valencia, 2017.

  25. Ghada Glissa and Aref Meddeb: A security analysis of LOADng routing protocol. ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA), 2017.

  26. Lotfi Abdi and Aref Meddeb: Semantic recognition: unified framework for joint object detection and semantic segmentation. SAC 2017: 83-88.

  27. Lotfi Abdi and Aref Meddeb: Deep learning traffic sign detection, recognition and augmentation. SAC 2017.

  28. Lotfi Abdi and Aref Meddeb: Driver information system: a combination of augmented reality and deep learning. SAC 2017.

  29. Lotfi Abdi and Aref Meddeb: In-Vehicle Cooperative Driver Information Systems, IWCMC, Valencia, 2017.

  30. Lotfi Abdi and Aref Meddeb: Inter-Vehicle Video Communications over Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, IWCMC, Valencia, 2017.

  31. Achref Elamri and Aref Meddeb: Resource Allocation Heuristics for Network Virtualization,  ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA), 2017.

  32. Achref Elamri and Aref Meddeb: Impact of Server Placement on Routing Performance in Network Virtualization, IWCMC, Valencia, 2017.

  33. Bacem Mbarek, Aref Meddeb, Wafa Ben Jaballah, Mohamed Mosbah: An Efficient Broadcast Authentication Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks. ANT/SEIT, 2017.

  34. Manel Souissi and Aref Meddeb: Design optimization of delay-constrained routing in wireless sensor networks, IEEE 7th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC), 2017.

  35. Manel Souissi and Aref Meddeb: Modelling of clustering with relay nodes in wireless sensor networks, IEEE 7th Annual Computing and Communication Workshop and Conference (CCWC), 2017.

  36. Bacem Mbarek, Aref Meddeb, Wafa Ben Jaballah, Mohamed Mosbah: A broadcast authentication scheme in IoT environments, ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA), 2016.

  37. Bacem Mbarek, Aref Meddeb: Energy efficient security protocols for wireless sensor networks: SPINS vs TinySec. ISNCC, 2016.

  38. A Meddeb, Internet of Things Security: We're Walking on Eggshells! Qatar Foundation Annual Research Conference Proceedings 2016.

  39. Ghada Glissa, Abderrezak Rachedi, and Aref Meddeb: A secure routing protocol based on RPL for Internet of Things, IEEE GLobecom, Washington, 2016.

  40. Taieb Hamza, Georges Kaddoum, Aref Meddeb, Georges Matar: A survey on intelligent MAC layer jamming attacks and countermeasures in the context of WSNs, IEEE VTC, Canada, 2016.

  41. Manel Souissi, Aref Meddeb, DEAR: Delay and Energy Aware Routing In Wireless Sensor Networks, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), 2016.

  42. Manel Souissi, Aref Meddeb, Minimum energy multi-objective clustering model for Wireless Sensor Networks, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), 2016

  43. Lotfi Abdi, FB Abdallah, A Meddeb, In-Vehicle Augmented Reality Traffic Information System: A New Type of Communication Between Driver and Vehicle, Procedia Computer Science 73, 242-249; 2015.

  44. Bacem Mbarek, Aref Meddeb, Wafa Ben Jaballah, and Mohamed Mosbah: A secure authentication mechanism for resource constrained devices, ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA), 2015.

  45. acem Mbarek, Aref Meddeb, Wafa Ben Jaballah, and Mohamed Mosbah: Enhanced LEAP authentication delay for higher immunity against DoS attack, ICPE, 2015.

  46. Mhamdi Mohamed, Faten Ben Abdallah, Lotfi Abdi, and Aref Meddeb: Integration of a robust watermark scheme in a high efficiency codec H.265/HEVC with capacity-quality-bitrate trade-off, MoMM 2015.

  47. Mayssa Bouraoui and Aref Meddeb: Optimal number of cluster heads for random topology WSNs using the stable election protocol, GSCIT, 2015

  48. Lotfi Abdi, Aref Meddeb, and Faten Ben Abdallah: Augmented Reality Based Traffic Sign Recognition for Improved Driving Safety. Nets4Cars/Nets4Trains/Nets4Aircraft, 2015.

  49. Lotfi Abdi, Faten Ben Abdallah, and Aref Meddeb: A robust video watermarking algorithm in H.264/AVC compressed domain, SAC 2015

  50. Boulbaba Thabti, Habib Youssef, Ali Ridha Mahjoub, and Aref Meddeb: Simulated evolution based algorithm versus exact method for virtual private network design, ICNC 2014.

  51. Aref Meddeb: Top ten hurdles on the race towards the Internet of Things. Qatar Foundation Annual Research Forum Proceedings: Vol. 2013, ICTO 01.

  52. Boulbaba Thabti, Ali Ourimi, Habib Youssef, Ali Ridha Mahjoub and Aref Meddeb: From Constant traffic matrices to Hose Workload model for VPN tree design”, in proceedings of Networks 2012 conference, Rome, Italy, Octobre 2012.

  53. Boulbaba Thabti, Habib Youssef, Aref Meddeb and Ali Ridha Mahjoub: Segment based restoration Algorithm for Survivable VPN tree , 3rd International Workshop on Reliable Networks Design and Modeling, RNDM 2011, Budapest, Hungary, Oct 5-7, 2011.

  54. Wafa Ben Jaballah, Mohamed Mosbah, Habib Youssef,  Olivier Ly, Aref Meddeb: Modeling Source Authentication Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks Using HLPSL, Network and Information Systems Security (SAR-SSI), 2011.

  55. Boulbaba Thabti, Habib Youssef, Aref Meddeb and Ali Ridha Mahjoub: Evolutionary Algorithm for Provisioning VPN Tree based on Pipe and Hose Workload Models,in Proceeding of the 7th International Conference on Natural Computation, ICNC 2011, pp. 2058-2064, 26-28, Shanghai, China, July 2011.

  56. Wafa Ben Jaballah, Aref Meddeb and Habib Youssef: An Efficient Source Authentication Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks, ACS/IEEE Workshop on Future Trends in Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks, 2010

  57. Aref Meddeb, Abdelwahed Berguiga and Habib Youssef:Building Cost Effective Lower Layer VPNs: The ILEC/CLEC Paradox , IEEE LCN, Zurich, 2009.

  58. Hajer Gahbiche, Aref Meddeb and Habib Youssef: Impact of Topology on the Performance of Wireless Mesh Network Routing Protocols, IEEE GIIS, Sousse, Tunisia, 2009.

  59. Aref Meddeb, Abdelwahed Berguiga and Habib Youssef: Optimal VPN Design: The ILEC/CLEC Dilemma, IEEE ISCC, Sousse, Tunisia, 2009.

  60. Aref Meddeb, Anis Elgueder, Issam Harrathi, and Habib Youssef:Benefits of a Pure Layer 2 Security Approach in Metro Ethernet , IEEE ISCC, Sousse, Tunisia, 2009.

  61. Wafa Ben Jaballah, Aref Meddeb and Habib Youssef: Efficient Signature Schemes in Wireless Sensor Network, Sesornets School, Dec. 2009.

  62. Aref Meddeb: Smart Spanning Tree Bridging for Carrier Ethernet, IEEE Globecom,New Orleans, 2008.

  63. Aref Meddeb: Smart Spanning Tree Bridging for Metro Ethernet, IEEE LCN, Montreal,2008

  64. Aref Meddeb: Multiple Spanning Tree Generation and Mapping Algorithms for Carrier Class Ethernet, IEEE Globecom, SF, 2006

  65. Aref Meddeb: Minimum Cost Optoelectronic Networks: The Optics Electronics Tradeoff. In ICC04, Paris 2004

  66. Aref Meddeb: Benefits of Multicast Traffic Split Routing in Packet Switched Networks. In ICC04, Paris 2004

  67. Aref Meddeb, André Girard and Brunilde Sansò: Design Model for Minimum Cost Flat Hybrid Optoelectronic Networks; Fifth Informs Telecommunications Conference, Boca, March 2000.

  68. Aref Meddeb, André Girard and Catherine Rosenberg: Tree Selection Heuristic for Network Design with Multipoint Communications. In ITC-16, pp 645-656; Edinburgh 1999.

  69. Aref Meddeb, André Girard and Catherine Rosenberg:Tree Selection Heuristic for Point-to-Multipoint Call Routing in Telecommunications Networks. In ITC-16, pp 539-550; Edinburgh 1999.

  70. Aref Meddeb, André Girard and Catherine Rosenberg: The impact of Tree Selection on the Design of Networks with Multipoint Connections. In IEEE Globecom’97, pp 1891-1897; Phoenix 1997.

  71. Aref Meddeb, André Girard and Catherine Rosenberg: The impact of Tree Selection on the Design of Networks with Multipoint Connections. Optimization days, Montreal, Mai 1997.

  72. Fabrice Guillemin, Catherine Rosenberg and Aref Meddeb: Specification of Cell Dispersion in ATM Networks, IEEE/IFIP Broadband'96, Montreal, 1996.

  73. Aref Meddeb and Catherine Rosenberg: Multipoint Connections in ATM Networks (Poster), CITR Research conference, Montebello, August 1996.

  74. Aref Meddeb, Catherine Rosenberg and Fabrice Guillemin: Formulas for Cell Delay Variation in ATM Networks. In Telecommunication Systems; Nashville 1995.

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