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The  Internet  of  Things  (IoT)  is  marking  the  launch  of  a  new  era  in  the  history  of humankind. A plethora of applications and services, that we could not even imagine a few years back, are becoming reality.  IoT devices including sensors, tags, and actuators are generating an overwhelming amount of data that might be impossible to track and process in reasonable times. Therefore, IoT systems must be optimized to help gather useful information in a timely and secure manner.   

Decisions  that  need  to  be  made  following  the  collection  of  data  require  further complex  treatment.  As  such,  learning  and understanding the environment through the collected data becomes essential. Deep learning in big data is one of the most promising options to respond to such needs [1].

On the other hand, with the advent of IoT, ICT Technology is becoming   more and more entwined   with   everything   we   use   in   our   daily   life   and   the consequences of security flaws escalate rapidly. As smart objects will govern most of the   car’s, plants,  road   traffic,   and   home   appliances, potential   disaster scenarios  become  obvious.  In this context, successful attacks could lead to scary scenarios [2]. Since its inception, there were several actions opposing IoT.  For example, Americans seem to find future technology both fascinating and frightening  [3].  Therefore, security of IoT systems must be addressed adequately.

Pushed  by  time  to  market  constraints,  plenty  of  IoT  solutions  are being commercialized over the current Internet infrastructure.  IoT must also overcome some tricky regulatory issues  [4]. While industry stakeholders argue   that   unnecessary   regulation   could   cripple  innovation   and   compromise business opportunities, consumers are worried about the potential risks of IoT with regards to privacy in the absence of regulation. Nonetheless, it may not be fair to place the emphasis solely on the potential problems of IoT. In fact, IoT is expected to grow mainly through users’ consent and trust.

Below I provide a summary of some of the main research activities that I conducted over the last couple of years. These activities range from Security and Privacy of IoT Systems,  to the application of deep learning and vehicular networks to driving safety, and also network optimization. I also provide some of my new research directions.

Security and Privacy of IoT Systems

Billions of connected devices raise obvious security and privacy concerns [5]. While security issues are quite straightforward, mainly from background knowledge, privacy issues are   more   complex   and   may   constitute   challenging   obstacles   to   large-scale deployment of IoT. In fact, unprotected personal information may expose sensitive and embarrassing data to the public.

As Vinton Cerf pointed out, “figuring out how to make a security system work well that doesn’t require the consumer to be an expert is a pretty big challenge.” In fact, technology seems to have evolved far beyond any expectations and we  seem to be not  prepared  to  deal  with  it.  Further, Vinton Cerf’s  statement  “Privacy  may actually be an anomaly” generated a whole lot of discussions among Internet users. In addition, as Scott McNealy further pointed out more than two decades ago: “You have zero privacy anyway. Get over it!”

From an industry perspective, privacy is a matter of user conduct and responsibility. Consumers need to be trained to understand that by saving their personal data on various devices, they  expose  themselves  to  various  types  of  attacks.  A recent Microsoft study on the “contextual nature of consumers’ comfort level with data sharing” reveals that acceptance depends on device and on the perceived value in return for sharing the data. For instance, sharing location information with Google maps may be accepted by travelers but not by residents. Also, in disaster situations, users are much more likely to divulgate their personal data.

Further, with the advances in Quantum Computing (QC) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), cryptanalysis on existing cryptographic algorithms and cipher suites can be made much faster than with traditional computers. Therefore, key exchange, public-key encryption, and signatures would no longer be secure due to Shor's algorithm. In addition, due to Grover's algorithm, the security of a block cipher with a key size of n bits will only offer n/2 bits of security. Further, the harvest and decrypt attack stores encrypted data today and decrypts it years later, once a quantum computer is available. This situation suggests that we must switch to quantum-resistant security solutions.  


Furthermore, AI methods can be empowered by quantum computers to automate various attacks such as hacking, phishing, ransomware, and malware propagation at large scales. Quantum computers and AI can also be used to launch devastating Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks by generating large amounts of traffic to overload network components.

Nonetheless, QC and AI can be used to develop secure encryption methods that would be much more difficult to break. Further, QC and AI can be used to simulate and analyze complex systems to identify potential vulnerabilities in IoT networks and devices. They can also be used to empower Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems.

With the advances in Quantum Computing (QC) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), cryptanalysis on existing cryptographic algorithms and cipher suites can be made much faster than with traditional computers. Therefore, key exchange, public-key encryption, and signatures would no longer be secure due to Shor's algorithm. In addition, due to Grover's algorithm, the security of a block cipher with a key size of n bits will only offer n/2 bits of security. Further, the harvest and decrypt attack stores encrypted data today and decrypts it years later, once a quantum computer is available. This situation suggests that we must switch to quantum-resistant security solutions.  


Moreover, AI methods can be empowered by quantum computers to automate various attacks such as hacking, phishing, ransomware, and malware propagation at large scales. Quantum computers and AI can also be used to launch devastating Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks by generating large amounts of traffic to overload network components. Nonetheless, QC and AI can be used to develop secure encryption methods that would be much more difficult to break. Further, QC and AI can be used to simulate and analyze complex systems to identify potential vulnerabilities in IoT networks and devices. They can also be used to empower Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems.

I have recently provided a lecture dealing with Quantum Computing at the University of Masaryk in the Czech Republic in March 2023. That lecture was focused on the impact of Quantum Computing on IoT security and how algorithms such as Shor’s and Grover’s may be used to mitigated current cryptographic systems. The lecture also introduces some key elements of Quantum Resistant Cryptography such as lattice-, isogeny-, and code-based cryptography.

I have supervised several PhD thesis dealing with security. In [6], we introduced a novel lightweight security protocol, 6LowPSec, that provides end-to-end security in the adaptation layer of the 6LowPAN protocol suite, that defeats the standard approach. Further, the Routing Protocol for Low- power and Lossy Networks (RPL) is one of the best candidates to ensure routing in 6LoWPAN networks. RPL is vulnerable to a number of attacks related to control messages. In collaboration with Prof. Abderrezak Rachedi of the University Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, in [7], we proposed a new secure routing protocol based on RPL referred to as Secure-RPL (SRPL). SRPL prevents misbehaving nodes from maliciously changing control messages such as the rank of a node that may create a fake topology. We show that SRPL is robust and resistant to such attacks.

In another work and in collaboration with Pr. Mohamed Mosbah of University of Bordeaux, in [8], we introduced an original way to secure communications that manage domestic electrical networks. We propose a secure data aggregation scheme that exploits Compressed Sensing (CS) to reduce the communication overhead of collected electrical power measurement. Data is encrypted by each sensor node after the compressing phase and a cryptography hash algorithm is used to ensure data integrity.

On the other hand, in [9] we propose a user-fog server anonymous mutual authentication scheme in which a fog user and a fog server authenticate each other and establish a session key, without disclosing user's real identity. Our scheme is based on Pseudonym Based Cryptography (PBC), Elliptic Curve Discrete Logarithm Problem (ECDLP), and bilinear pairing to establish the session key.

Moreover, with the proliferation of the COVID-19 pandemic, e-learning has gained a significant interest. In [10], we provided a new fog computing e-learning scheme. The proposed scheme extends learning content from the cloud to the edge of the network. This improves the efficiency of learning data analysis. It further reduces the encryption burden in terms of computation cost on user's devices by offloading part of encryption cost to fog servers and provides fine-grained access control to learning content by encrypting the course and the exam with different cryptographic techniques.

Finally, in collaboration with Pr. Vincent Beroulle of ESISAR, Grenoble INP, in [11], we presented a novel approach to evaluate the security and the safety of EPC Class-1 generation-2 UHF RFID systems. We simulated their behavior in presence of faults to distinguish the most sensitive system components in order to facilitate developing low cost, secure, and robust tag architectures. We explained why and how we should evaluate and improve robustness and security of UHF RFID systems.

Deep learning and Semantic Recognition for Road Traffic Safety

One of the most promising application of deep learning and data analytics is road traffic safety. Driving is a complex, continuous, and multitask  process    that    involves    driver's    cognition,    perception,  and    motor movements. The way road traffic signs and vehicle information is displayed affects strongly   driver's   attention   with   increased   mental   workload,   leading   to   safety concerns.  Drivers  must  keep  their  eyes  on  the  road,  but  can  always  use  some assistance  in  maintaining  their  awareness  and  directing  their  attention  to  potential hazards. In-vehicle  contextual  Augmented  Reality  (AR)  has  the  potential  to provide novel visual feedbacks to drivers for an enhanced driving experience.

With one of my PhD students and in collaboration with Prof. Thierry Chateau of the Pascal  Institute,  University  of  Clermont  Auvergne  in  France,  we  have  developed   a   framework   that   applies   deep   learning   techniques   and vehicular networks to   traffic   sign recognition for road  safety  applications [12].  This thesis was initiated within a joint industry-university MOBIDOC project N ° 83/2012, funded by the European Union. We  presented  a  new  real-time  framework  for  fast  and  accurate traffic  sign  recognition,  based  on  Cascade  Deep  learning  and  AR, which superimposes augmented virtual objects onto a real scene under all types of driving situations, including unfavorable weather conditions. Experiments show that by combining the Haar Cascade and deep convolutional neural networks, joint learning greatly enhances the capability of detection while maintaining its real-time performance.

Further, understanding the contents of an image or scene labeling is an  important yet very  challenging  problem  in  artificial  intelligence  and  computer  vision  to  improve road  safety.  Semantic  labeling  and  object  detection  in  road  scenes  are  strongly correlated  tasks.  Motivated  by  the  complementary  effect  of  the  two  tasks,  we presented  a  novel  framework  to  address  the  scene-understanding  problem  [13].  We proposed a new framework for semantic labeling and object detection problem,  which  combines  deep  Convolutional  Neural  Networks  (CNN)  for  object detection and fully-connected Conditional Random Field (CRF) for segmenting and labeling. Specifically, we developed a new framework that uses global image features to predict detection, which drastically reduces its errors from background detections.

Optimization and Performance of IoT systems

With  the  IoT  paradigm,  optimization  of  network  and  system  resources have  regained significant  attention.  Timely and accurate responses and actions taken by various IoT devices is crucial in responding to mission critical applications. In such context, optimization deals with sensor, tag, and server placement, as well as traffic routing. I conducted various research activities on this topic and below are some of the most compelling ones.

In [14],  we studied the  balancing of the load  among sensor nodes,  which is a major challenge  for  the  long  run  operation  of  wireless  sensor  networks.  When  a  sensor node  becomes  overloaded,  the  likelihood  of  higher  latency,  energy  depletion,  and congestion  becomes  high.  We formulated  the  network design problem as a mixed-integer linear programming one. We then proposed  an  optimal  load  balanced  clustering  for hierarchical  cluster-based  wireless  sensor  networks.  We proposed an energy aware cluster head selection model for optimal cluster head selection. Then we proposed a delay and energy‐aware routing model for optimal inter‐cluster communication. Finally, we proposed an equal traffic for energy efficient clustering for optimal load balanced clustering. We show that energy consumption can be effectively balanced among sensor nodes and stability period can be greatly extended using our models.

In  [15],  we  studied  the  Radio  Frequency  Identification  (RFID)  network  planning problem. Finding an optimal planning for a large-scale RFID network is known to be an NP-hard problem.  In  this  context,  metaheuristics  provide  a  suitable  framework  to  solve  the find   near  optimal  solutions  in  reasonable times. We introduced a new variant of the cuckoo search algorithm, called the Self Adaptive Cuckoo Search  (SACS)  algorithm where  control  parameters are  dynamically adjusted according to the evolution of the optimization processes. In [16], we proposed a new algorithm, called the RFID Network Planning - Cuckoo Search Algorithm (RNP-CSA) based on the constraint satisfaction problem framework. Results show that the RNP-CSA is faster and obtains better solutions than Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO), Greedy PSO (GPSO) and Variable Neighborhood Placing based PSO VNPSO-RNP.

On the other hand, public  bike  sharing  systems  have  been  introduced  as  part  of  the  urban transportation system and could be used as the support of a mobile sensor network and data collection. In [17], with of one of my PhD students and the collaboration Prof. Hervé Rivano  of the  INSA de  Lyon, we  introduced the “Internet of Bikes”  IoB-DTN protocol, which applies the Delay/Disruption Tolerant Network (DTN) paradigm to IoT applications,  running  on  urban  bike  sharing  system  based sensor network. This thesis was part of the Citylab@inria Project led by Pr. Rivano and funded by the “Investments for the Future” Program (ANR-11-IDEX-0007) of the National Research Agency (ANR France).

Furthermore, Network Virtualization allows overcoming the limitations of the current Internet.  It enables  the  embedding  of  virtual  network resources  on  physical  ones.  The  problem of allocation  of  such physical  resources  is  also known to be NP hard.  Several heuristics were therefore proposed to solve this problem approximately. In [18], we presented two novel resource allocation heuristics, depending on the ownership of the network infrastructure i.e., incumbent or competitive provider. We show that incumbent providers should distribute the allocated resources as “fairly” as possible among physical links and nodes, while in contrast, competitive providers prefer to concentrate the leased resources on the smallest possible number of physical links and nodes. 

With another PhD student of mine, we are currently working on the performance of MAC layer access issues in sensor networks. In [19], we provided a comprehensive and detailed review on Wake-up Radio (WuR) techniques. A new classification of MAC and routing protocols utilizing WuR was proposed.  In [20], we show that Carrier-Sense Multiple Access WuR (CSMA-WuR) outperforms other WuR mechanisms in the case of heavy traffic load and for large networks. Moreover, Cooperative Collision Avoidance WuR (CCA-WuR) is a good alternative in light traffic conditions and in heavy traffic conditions if we increase the number of Wake-up Call (WuC) attempts. We also show that the Performance of Back Off WuR (BO-WuR) strongly depends on the size of the contention window but cannot ensure good performances when the traffic is extremely heavy.


Other research directions

With the proliferation of new threats such as new pandemics, terrorism, natural disasters, climate change, theft, water shortage, and so on, it is necessary to review our habits. Technology is expected to play a fundamental role in our future, ranging from health monitoring, environmental sensing, tracking, cyber entertainment, to human augmentation, digital twin, hyper-automation, etc.

With one of my new PhD students, we aim to develop a reliable, non-disruptive, and risk free remote monitoring and tracking system. Subjects may be children, patients, people with special needs, criminals, prisoners, etc. The goal is to seamlessly detect health or behavioral anomalies and report them to a supervisory authority that must make adequate decisions. This latter may be a human being or a machine. The subject will be equipped with RFID tags and various sensors that allow his tracking and monitoring. Challenges include how many tags and sensors can we safely deploy without violating the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR), how to assure tradeoff between security and performance, where to place the tags, readers, and sensors, how to control interferences, etc.

In order to test and evaluate such solutions, we need state of the art equipment and means. Given the sensitivity of such applications, there is very little room for approximations and errors.  We aim to perform simulations to provide guidelines for experimental implementations. We eventually aim to design and implement a prototype. 


[1]       Bilal  Jan  et  Al.,  “Deep  learning  in  big  data  Analytics:  A  comparative  study,”  Computer  and Electrical Engineering, Elsevier,  vol. 75, pp. 275-287, 2019.

[2]       Marilyn      Cohodas,      “The  Internet of  Things:  7 Scary  Security Scenarios,”, Oct. 2014.

[3]       -,  “Americans     Find     Future     Tech     Both     Fascinating     and     Frightening,, Tech News Report, 2020.

[4]       Aref Meddeb, “Internet of things standards: who stands out from the crowd?,” in IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 54, no. 7, pp. 40-47, 2016.

[5]    Tobias Heer et al., “Security Challenges in the IP-based Internet of Things,” Wireless Personal Communications, vol. 61, no. 3, 2011.

[6]    Ghada Glissa and Aref Meddeb, “6LowPSec: An End-to-End Security Protocol for 6LoWPAN”, Ad hoc Networks, Elsevier, vol. 82, 2019.

[7]    Ghada Glissa, Abderrazzak Rachedi and Aref Meddeb, “A Secure Routing Protocol Based on RPL for Internet of Things," IEEE Global Communications Conference, pp. 1-7, 2016.

[8]    Bacem Mbarek an Aref Meddeb, “A Secure Electrical Energy Management in Smart Home,” International Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley & Sons, vol. 30, no. 17, 2017.

[9]    Arij Ben Amor, Mohamed Abid and Aref Meddeb, “A Privacy-Preserving Authentication Scheme in an Edge-Fog Environment,” Proceedings   of   the   IEEE/ACS International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications, 2017.

[10]    Arij Ben Amor, Mohamed Abid and Aref Meddeb, “Secure Fog-Based E-Learning Scheme,” IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 31920-31933, 2020.

[11]    Rahma Benfraj, Vincent Beroulle, Nicolas Fourty, and Aref Meddeb, “An approach to enhance the safety and security of EPC Class-1 generation-2 UHF RFID systems,” Proceedings   of   the   International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control, 2018.

[12]    Lotfi Abdi and Aref Meddeb, “Driver information system: a combination of augmented reality, deep learning and vehicular Ad-hoc networks,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 77, pp. 14673–14703, 2018.

[13]    Lotfi  Abdi  and  Aref  Meddeb,  “Semantic  recognition:  unified  framework  for  joint  object detection   and   semantic   segmentation,” Proceedings   of   the   Symposium   on   Applied Computing, pp. 83-88, 2017.

[14]    Manel  Souissi and  Aref  Meddeb,  “Optimal  load  balanced  clustering  in  homogeneous  wireless  sensor networks,” International Journal of Communication Systems, vol. 30, no. 10, 2017.

[15]    Atef  Jaballah  and  Aref  Meddeb,  “Self  adaptive  cuckoo  search  algorithm  for  RFID  network planning,” Proceedings   of   the   Internet Technologies and Applications, pp. 122-127, 2017.

[16]    Atef  Jaballah  and  Aref  Meddeb,  “A new algorithm based CSP framework for RFID network planning,” Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, pp. 1-10, 2020.

[17]    Yosra  Zguira,  Hervé  Rivano,  and  Aref  Meddeb,  “IoB-DTN:  A  lightweight  DTN  protocol  for mobile IoT applications to smart bike sharing systems, Wireless Days, pp. 131-136, 2018.

[18]    Achraf El Amri and Aref Meddeb, “Resource Allocation Heuristics for Network Virtualization,” Proceedings   of   the   International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA), pp. 55-62, 2017.

[19]   Mayssa Ghribi and Aref Meddeb, “Survey and taxonomy of MAC, routing and cross layer protocols using wake-up radio,” Journal of Network and Computer Applications, vol. 149, 2020.

[20]    Mayssa Ghribi and Aref Meddeb, “Performance Evaluation of Collision Avoidance Techniques using Wake-Up Radio in WSNs," Proceedings   of   the   International Conference on Software, Telecommunications, and Computer Networks, 2020.

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